Our show

I was thinking to make a show in Vancouver with some artists for a few years.

I wasn't sure when I make the show for a while, and decided to make it happen in this November.

Luckily I met three other different talented artists in town.

Theresa waltzer is a Jewellery designer from Vancouver, Canada, Hanna Benihoud is an architect back grounded 3D artist from London, England

and Nina Chen is an Indigo textile designer from Taipei, Taiwan, plus I am the directer - Tomoko Tahara, a hat designer / artist from Tokyo, Japan.

We are going to fill up a room with our works - That is our exhibition. This show isn't only an art show, altho not only a craft show.   

4 in a room - 4 artists make a room.

11-13 Nov 2017 at Playground Chinatown. (434 Columbia)
